I really didn’t have a lot of rules for our sons as they reached their college years and living at home. Now they may disagree with that, but it is my perspective looking back. Our evening mealtime was, perhaps, the most important time of the day for us as a family. We would eat dinner, then would spend some extended time at the dining room table talking about all sorts of things. The topics ranged from the day’s events, school, sports, theology and everything in between. There were some serious things, but mostly we told stories and laughed a lot. There were plenty of nights that it would go on for an hour or more, depending on homework or other parts of the daily...
Author - Rick Gile
From time to time, my wife will invite a group of good friends and family to our house to decorate eggs for Easter. If it happens to be the first time you’ve been invited to her annual ritual, initially you’ll conjure up visions of women and kids running around the house dipping those hard-boiled white chicken droppings into bowls full of food coloring. Au contraire. Olga is Ukrainian and what she has in mind is something quite different. They call it Pysanky. For you language buffs, that comes from the verb meaning “to write”. I have a suspicion that it may also be translated “do not drop”, but I could be mistaken. As we prepare for the...
The snow was beginning to obscure the roadway as that cold January afternoon turned to evening. I had completed my enlistment and we were heading back to New York to start our new lives as civilians. It was the third day of our journey and the old yellow Plymouth station wagon was doing pretty well in the storm. It was the first time we had experienced a Nebraskan blizzard and we thought it would be better to make Norfolk before stopping for the night. The roads were quickly becoming impassable and our three year old son, Mike, was running a fever. I pulled off into the parking lot of an aging, one story motel with a tiny diner next door. The carpets were well-worn and the furniture a bit...
That’s not a typo. V-mail was a WWII secure system that was used to communicate with soldiers during the War. My father contacted my Uncle Wayne via V-mail while Dad was somewhere in either England or Northern France, training for Operation Overlord. Here is part of the story from my Dad’s sister, Ada, in her own words: “Right after Pearl Harbor my brother Jim enlisted in the Army in December of 1941 and my boyfriend, Wayne enlisted in January 1942, but they didn’t know each other then. Wayne came home on furlough in May of 1943 just before he was sent overseas. He and I became engaged. I wrote to Jim and told him. Jim decided he wanted to meet the guy who...
My father and his brother, Dick, were the best of pals. I remember that greeting on so many warm summer Saturday mornings when Uncle Dick would come to our house to have coffee with Dad. They’d sit around the dinette table in our little kitchen and talk about things as friends do. I don’t remember anything very profound in those conversations but I could see the bond they had, even though I was a kid. I guess the most memorable thing was that they were always laughing about something. Mostly, I can’t ever recall a harsh word between them. I wish now I had asked how that “Hello, Moe” greeting had started or why they called each other Moe, but I’m not sure...
“My heart overflows with a good theme; I address my verses to the King. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer”. Psalm 45:1 The desire to memorize portions of Scripture seems to wane as believers mature. Anyone who spends time in the Word loves Psalm 119 and has probably tucked away verse 11. Rightfully so, as it serves to remind us that in order to keep short accounts with the Lord, a quick access to His desires causes us to know what offends Him. How many times has some passage come to mind when going through life’s circumstances? A lot, you say? Do you want that to happen more often? I’ll state the obvious: Commit more to memory and you’ll have an even...
One of the things that happens to us as believers as we plunge the depths of Truth in God’s Word, is that the Gospel can become more complicated than it really is. With the best of intentions, we tell people that there is a formula or certain words we need to pray to be “saved”. I remember as young believer studying the Scriptures and listening to preachers present the Gospel, that I had perhaps not said the right words or been sincere enough. I felt like Charlie Brown in the pumpkin patch looking for the “sincerest” pumpkin to arise on Halloween night. Always searching but never quite convinced that I had it right. So, I prayed the same concept over and over...
It really stated back in the mid-1970s when Olga and I had returned from California after serving in the US Air Force. We had bought a house and Walt, Olga’s brother, asked if he could live with us while attending a local Community College. Walt had gotten himself “born again” and began attending a Church in Albany. He shared his faith with Olga, me and our two young sons, much to our displeasure. After listening to him tell me about Jesus for the umpteenth time, I couldn’t take it any more so I literally made him leave our home. So you know, after lots of “encouragement” from my wife, I did go out with the car and retrieve him later on. He stayed with...
The Gile family began selling products in the late 1970s as a local office supply dealer in Upstate New York. In the late 1990s, we changed our focus to online retail. Today, we operate a group of online retail stores selling a range of products including office products, toys, school supplies and gift items. Along the way, something amazing happened to our founder, Richard Gile, and his family. In December of 1980, Rick discovered the life changing impact of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In the ensuing years, this has had a profound impact on our family, both professionally and personally.